Unfortunately our GCT Golden Eagles have lost the past three games, but to some very good teams! (We are praying for a big win tonight over a really great team!) Losing is definitely not fun; however, I believe God teaches us so much through loss (regardless of what kind of loss it is). A few weeks ago Jeff was broken and I was as well. I began praying that God would do something incredible and unspeakable through all this and to heal my husband's heart! He did!
Jeff wrote the following and shared it with his players, coaches and since then it has been spread around the town and state touching lives for Christ! Kids & others have come to Christ because of what he shared! Read with an open heart! It is some good stuff! It is long, but please read it!
Lessons Learned
GCT Football 2008
I love the game of football because it teaches us so much about life. The following is a list of just a few lessons that I believe football can teach us.
“Consider it a great joy, my brothers, whenever you experience various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. But endurance must do its complete work, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing.”
James 1:2-4
1. In life, you will face many great trials or storms; much greater than the storms we face in the game of football. How you respond to the storms of life will define you as a person. How do you or how will you respond when you face a storm? Do you breakdown and self-destruct? Do you act out of fear, do you panic? Do you harm those around you with your words and actions? How will you respond to a storm in your marriage someday, your family, your career? Matthew 7:24-27 tells us the difference between building your foundation on the sand and building your foundation on the rock. “Falling down is not failure; not getting back up is failure.” “Adversity doesn’t teach character; adversity reveals character flaws.” Mike Ditka Chicago Bears
Natalie Grant “I Will Not Be Moved”
I will fall down, I will stumble, but I will not be moved.
I will make mistakes, I will have heartache, but I will not be moved.
On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand;
I will not be moved.
2. Football teaches us about humility. During seasons of success, we sometimes become proud and complacent. We tend to begin “going through the motions” and we believe that we cannot fall. Things become boring and dry. We become vulnerable. Then we are defeated. Life is very much the same way. We often fall when we lose our passion. We lose our desire to succeed. We become tired, bored, and passionless. King David made the biggest mistake of his life during such a time (2 Samuel 11). When we become too relaxed, our weaknesses are revealed. We become a target of defeat. You’ve heard the expression, “pride comes before the fall” and it is so true. Proverbs 18:12 says, “Before his downfall a man’s heart is proud, but before honor comes humility.” It is just as important to correctly manage success as it is to handle defeat. Sometimes, both can be equally challenging.
3. Football teaches us the importance of friendships and family. Friday night we as coaches spent time praying together. We prayed for healing because we were broken. We prayed that you guys would also be healed and built back up even stronger. There is great power in friendships and family. Are you building friendships? Are you learning how to work together as a team and a family? Life is all about relationships. You must learn to work with those around you. You must learn to lift each other up during the good times and the bad. You must stop picking on each other, laughing at each other, stealing from one another, fighting, running to be first in line, creating cliques and not allowing others in your circle of friends. Who are you investing in? Are you anyone’s hero? In order to succeed in this game, we must be a family and we must put others before ourselves. If we put ourselves first, the team will suffer. The same is true in life! When you place yourself first in any relationship, the results will be destruction.
4. Football teaches us how to prepare for the test. Victories in football (and in life) are won in the preparation. Proverbs 10: 4 says, “Idle hands make one poor, but diligent hands bring riches.” Proverbs 12:14 says, “The work of a man’s hands will reward him.” And, Proverbs 14:23 states that “There is profit in all hard work, but endless talk leads only to poverty.” How are you preparing for each game? Are you giving your all in practice? Are you mentally preparing for each opponent? Are you physically preparing through intense practices? Even more, how are you preparing for you future? Are you gaining knowledge in the classroom or are you simply going through the motions? Are you studying and applying yourself to receive an education or are you spending time being lazy? How prepared will you be for your career? What are you doing to prepare for your wife someday? Are you filling your mind and heart with junk or will you commit to purity? How are you preparing to be a father someday? Will you be a leader in your household or will your family resent your leadership? Are you leading on this football team? Again, football can teach us so many things that will prepare us for future success. Please try to learn these valuable lessons now. It is better to learn them now than to experience defeat later in life.
5. I also believe that football can teach us a valuable lesson about defeat. We will certainly fall down in life and, as we did Friday, we will stumble in the game of football. However, it is how we respond to adversity that will make or break us. It is my goal to have the same mindset that Paul had when he wrote, “…forgetting what is behind and reaching forward to what is ahead. I pursue as my goal the prize promised by God’s heavenly call in Christ Jesus.” Phil. 3:13-14
What lessons will you learn this week? It is up to each of us to decide how we will respond to adversity. It is through adversity that our true character will be clearly seen by others. We have 3 weeks left in the regular season. Our goal of making the playoffs for the first time in 17 years is very attainable. If we can unite as a team and bring intensity to practice, we will achieve our goal. Proverbs 16:3 says, “Commit your activities to the Lord and your plans will be achieved.” I am going to commit these last weeks to the Lord. I am willing to give my very best so that we can be successful. My prayer is that each of you will follow my leadership by doing the same. Together we can do something special! Many times we have very little control of the outcome of a football game. However, you can control how you develop into a man of character and integrity.
I love you all,
Coach Conaway
GCT Football
Proverbs 16:3
And this is the man I am married to! Praise the LORD!!!!!!!!!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Lessons Learned
Posted by Melissa Conaway at 7:30 AM 1 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
A little catching up to do...
Alright, so after checking a few blogs today I have decided to partake in the little blog posting that my friend Charity inspired me to do...along with my friends Ashley & Kristin! I love catching up with people and checking in on my friends, so here it goes for all of you who enjoy doing the same...
What I've been up to lately:
- Trying to sell about 500 t-shirts that sit in my mother-n-law's kitchen area that say something about GCT football! I have to say they are pretty darn cute!
- Taking classes & staying up till 2am studying!
- Giving speech therapy!
- Cheering for Jeff's football team! They are doing so awesome!
- Making myself go to the gym.
- Trying not to speed to & from school everyday (to save on gas $ & to avoid a ticket).
- Being suckered into being the Chair & C0-Chair of a committee for NSSLHA.
- And trying not to be so up tight and give it all to God!
What I am looking forward to:
- Our upcoming football games & hopefully playoff games!
- My family coming up this weekend.
- Selling our house!
- A break from school.
- The lovely fall weather & the leaves changing.
- The rest of my life with my husband! He's the man!
- The day I don't depend on caffeine!! - will that ever go away?
- One day-- becoming a mom, but currently enjoy my furry little girl!
- Saturday afternoons watching college football with Jeff! And going to A-State games!
Things I am EXCITED about!
- Growing closer in my walk with God & my husband!
- The fact that after two & a half years I get a fall & winter break! AWESOME!
- The direction our church is moving in.
- Thanksgiving & Christmas and what they mean!
- I only have six more weeks of class till Christmas break!
- That I am in grad school trying to better our future.
- That this time next year I will know if I passed comps & will hopefully be actively searching for a job. And plan to NEVER go back to school again! Sorry, I don't think I will be getting my doctorate.
- Seeing my friend Melissa Swain tomorrow morning and her little man!
Things I try not to think about, BUT often pray about!
- Our house will sell in Springdale!
- Health Insurance & what we should do.
- Not having a paycheck.
- The election!
- Taking care of my body & being healthy
- Bills! Boo!!!
That is it - boring I know! I am sure there is more but I am tired! I have two of my first visitors from Springdale coming to visit me in the morning so I'd better go! I would love to know how you all are doing, drop me a note!
Love & Miss you ALL!!!
Posted by Melissa Conaway at 9:53 PM 3 comments
Monday, October 6, 2008
Pictures from our past couple of conference games!!
Posted by Melissa Conaway at 12:35 PM 1 comments
Saturday, October 4, 2008
GCT Golden Eagles!!!
Well, they did it again! Another win Friday night against Wynne Yellowjackets makes 4 in a row! The last time GCT beat the Wynne Yellowjackets was in 1995, so this was a big win! Our current record is 4-1! Which is incredible! Some big things are happening over here and that is because God is blessing us! We give Him ALL the glory for what he is doing and are so thankful!
We have some really big & fast opponents coming up starting with Blytheville next week! We are praying for all our players to be healthy for that game, be 100% and to play to the very best of their ability!
I will post pictures from the last few games as soon as I have an opportunity. Most likely it will be Monday!
Thank you for your well wishes & prayers! We love you guys!
Posted by Melissa Conaway at 10:55 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
I've Been Tagged...
Posted by Melissa Conaway at 2:24 PM 1 comments
Monday, September 29, 2008
Pageants & Names (quick f.ball update)
I believe everyone is entitled to name their children what they would like. I believe unique names are a good thing for the most part. And I understand a parent's desire to change the spelling of their child's name if it is a popular name they have chosen! More power to these parents!
This past Saturday was mine, my mom and sister's fourth year at directing the Timberfest Pageant in Sheridan! Just a small festival pageant, but it is loads of fun and not to mention loads of work!
It never fails, every year we have people complain that we mispronounced their name or a child's name. And while our emcee was changing clothes to entertain the crowd, I took over the emceeing for one group! I was thinking fine, this will be great! I love talking to audiences and love to emcee...so no big deal! I glanced over the names of the girls in the group to make sure I could say their names and I guess I didn't look close enough. As I was announcing each contestant I found one name that I had no idea how to say! Oh, goodness! And I discovered I had no clue what this child's name was immediately after I announced her number for her to come out on stage and it went something like this...
"Contestant # 5"........................................??????????????? ( I turned to my sister and she had no idea of what to say and we were both speechless), then I turned to the little girl who is standing on stage wondering what is going on and said "Sweet heart, I am sorry I do not know how to pronounce your name!" She yelled from across the stage Mikayla!!! Oh, yes Mikayla! Really...
Oh, goodness how stupid of me right! Well, it looked like Michaela so I said Michael - a. I felt terrible; however, I blame this parent for this goof up! I understand the desire to spell your child's name differently, I do! However, when your child is in a pageant or anything else to where their name has to be read by a stranger over a sound system -- it is best to just spell it the normal way or what would be easiest for the person emceeing! Our poor emcee also did this with a parent's name. The name was spelled Charla so that is what she said "CHarla." Well, the mom was irate backstage because it should have been pronounced Sharla! Now who's fault is that!
Moral of the story is - when your name or your child's name is being announced somewhere by someone you don't know. Spell the name how it should look in a normal way or how it should SOUND! Then everyone is happy!
Football update - We won our first conference game on Friday night against a very good and fast Forrest City team! Jeff was drenched after the game and it wasn't sweat! The boys got him good! There is a big excitement in the town of Paragould about this football team and it is fun to see! Thanks for all your prayers! We play a very good Wynne football team this Friday!
Posted by Melissa Conaway at 11:22 AM 4 comments
Monday, September 22, 2008
A bunch of useless ramblings...
As a graduate student I am constantly exercising my brain so hard and every now and then I have a moment to just think of crazy things...I think they are crazy because I don't have time to be thinking about them. But another fellow grad student and I got to chatting about the things that we do that are so much alike and she is just like me! It is scary! Below are a few of the crazy things I have realized make me a crazy Type A personality!
As far as driving goes...I like it fast and furious! I have a need for speed, I feel like driving slow is a waste of time!
And I do not like to waste time! Unless I PLAN to waste time! I know, it doesn't make sense!
I'm not good with spur-of-the moment things, but am trying to get better! I feel like if it can be helped and you spring something on someone it is just rude. My dad always had a saying in our house, when my mom lost her keys or just couldn't locate them before the minute she had to be flying out the door...."poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part" and I love that saying! Ha!
I have recently discovered that earplugs are amazing!!!!!!! For tests especially; however, I feel the need to sniff a lot when I have them in my ears! While testing the smallest things will drive me nuts; such as others sniffing, writing, tapping, breathing and the list goes on! I know it is ridiculous! That is my sister's fault!
I love sleeping in and taking Sunday afternoon naps!
No one does things like I want them done! This may be read as selfish; but I think I'm just crazy and my dad taught me this trait! If you want it done right, do it yourself!
I can't wait to have kids and I CAN wait all at the same time! I am scared for my life to change so drastically. I have seen so many friends go through this process and I just feel like the first 6 weeks are the most unglamorous! I would like to think that I can handle this whole process and not miss a beat! For instance, just have a child without all the medication and feel okay after the labor process is over and once released from the hospital be able to run with no problems and fit back into pre-pregnancy clothes and not to mention get the same amount of sleep! But I just have a feeling that if God chooses to bless us with children that he will teach me a thing or to about my Type-A personality! But at least you know some of the things I will be praying for along the way! Haha!
I know I am getting older and older because I find more things to be Type A about. I just wish I could go back to the carefree days of childhood.
That's it for tonight; just a bunch of useless ramblings. Trying to use my brain in a different way other than for school and therapy alone!
Oh and by the way, our GCT Golden Eagles brought home another win Friday night!
Posted by Melissa Conaway at 6:54 PM 4 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Praise the LORD -- What a team!!!
After losing our first game, our Greene County Tech Golden Eagles won big on Friday night against Highland! The final score was 53-21! The team played so well and it was very exciting and emotional to watch! For a moment, I felt as though we were watching the Shiloh Saints play!
There is nothing like seeing your husband do what he loves to do and be rewarded for all his hard work and those other coaches who put in so many hours to be successful! The guys were so excited and the fans were too! God bless our cheerleaders because they do numerous amounts of push-ups every time we score and I know they are super sore still today from Friday!
I don't have the ability to post pictures tonight but I will do that at some point tomorrow in the midst of what will be one of the longest days of my life! Nothing big, just lots of school stuff! My day will begin with lots of hearing screenings (at least 50) at an elementary school at 8am, then off to give an evaluation, then two therapy sessions and finally class until 9pm! So, at some point I will post so photos from our first two football games of the season!
Thank you for all your prayers and well wishes throughout these past few months! We feel them! We still need prayer for our house to sell!
Thank you for all your support!
Posted by Melissa Conaway at 12:17 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 25, 2008
Back to School!
I just got home from one of the longest days! It was my first day back to school for my second semester of graduate school! Did you catch all that? Ha!
I knew I had to give this day to God before starting it or I knew I would come home in tears! It most definitely was a trying day and will prove to be one heck of a semester! With every day of grad school that passes I feel as though I have accomplished something! I know I'm one day closer to a paycheck and that is great to think about and I actually made it through the day. The great thing about getting my masters now is that I'm older and don't let myself freak out about too many things (only a few, and tears are a must when I am frustrated)! I just know I have to get it done and it will eventually get done! So, today I reminded myself that it will get done when I was given all my clinic assignments for the semester. I only have three clients but I will have some very long Mondays and weeks ahead of me. Mondays: I leave for school at 10am then don't get home till 10pm!
But God is good!
I have to admit I am totally looking forward to fall and Christmas break! It has been such a long time since I have been on a school schedule it is going to be nice!
God continues to be faithful! I have been praying specifically for some things and He is starting to unfold things in His timing! His timing is the key! Ha! Things never happen when I want it to but it is always perfect!
Soooo, this journey God has me on in this life is getting better and more interesting everyday! I am thankful for so many things and God is soooooo good!
Posted by Melissa Conaway at 7:53 PM 2 comments
Friday, August 8, 2008
Football Season + Grad School = Busy, Busy
I get it, I totally get it! Why God has placed or has yet to place certain things in my life. He is calling me to a closer walk and I am humbled by the journey he has me on right now! I feel as though my spirit is unsettled and I desire so much more from my relationship with Christ! I love being in a place like this!
I have fully realized this past weekend how sad I am to leave Northwest Arkansas (friends, Shiloh & our home) but how excited I am for what God is doing in Northeast Arkansas! I knew when I married a coach our lives would not be settled in one place for very long; just kinda goes with the territory! But I love being a coach's wife! It keeps me young and well keeps our schedule full! I also love the influence Jeff has on so many people.
At this point, lots of things are happening! I have finished my first semester of Graduate school with a 4.0! Yay God!! And am moving into next semester with the same prayer that God would show me favor in my studies! Jeff is really gearing up for football! It is so exciting! I am praying for things that Paragould people don't believe will happen just so we can say - God did it! I am also praying that God would show Jeff favor with the kids, coaches and community!
Oh man, I can't forget! It seems like every where I turn the women I meet or are friends with in NWA are pregnant or just had a baby or have a whole litter of kids! Ha! It is bizarre, I'm not sure if it is the fact that I am now at an age that people typically start having kids or what! Sure makes Jeff and I feel a bit out of place! Our new small group has five pregnant ladies and everyone else has kids! Jeff and I were laughing this past Sunday because everyone else was going on about life before kids and we gave each other the knuckle bump (like- yea, it's sweet)!! Ha! Everyone laughed, but I believe that God will bless our lives with children one day! And that will be a sweet day and a sweet time in our lives! However, I am a bit scared of the process, personally! But know that if you are a friend of mine and are pregnant, I am praying for you and your baby!
Sorry it has been so long since the last post! And sorry this is so long! I will try and post pictures soon!
With Love,
Posted by Melissa Conaway at 8:50 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
God's Plan!!! Amazing Stuff!!
Wow! That is all I can say at the way God works!
Our journey into head coaching and graduate school has been great but stressful none the less! God has continued to sustain us in ways never imagined. I am in awe of the work he is doing in our lives and the ways he is using us!
This past weekend we were back in good 'ole Northwest Arkansas! It was a refreshment for the both of us to see so many people who were encouraging us in this journey God has us on (I would also call it a mission). Ever since Jeff has moved here God has been using him in the community and with our football team! Well, while in NWA this weekend he had about 21 players that came with him to the 7 on 7 tournament. Jeff had his team stay in the 24-7 building of First Baptist. Shawn Smith spoke to the team on Thursday night and Michael Guyer spoke to them on Friday night! There were 7 boys among that group of 21 who prayed to receive Christ this weekend!!!!!!!!! Hallelujah! God continues to confirm to us that we are where he wants us!
I just can't get over God's goodness! Takes my breath away!
It was great to see my many friends this weekend! I hold you all close to my heart and love you guys! May God do something great in your lives this week!
Posted by Melissa Conaway at 5:27 PM 4 comments
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Comes around about ONCE a month
Just another note on our house: The house is being shown again Sunday July 13 at 11:30am! If you think of it or just after reading this, we would appreciate a short prayer asking God to sell our house soon! And that these people are the buyers for this house! Thanks again for all your prayers, concern and support!
Posted by Melissa Conaway at 10:41 PM 3 comments
Friday, June 6, 2008
It's been a while!!
Posted by Melissa Conaway at 2:07 PM 4 comments
Friday, April 25, 2008
Moving very soon!
The time has come for me to pack my things and be with my husband! This week will be my last week here. We will have to come back when the house sells but other than that we will be calling a new place home! I will be heading out of town the weekend of May 1-3.
Things are coming together really well in Paragould for both Jeff and I:
Jeff has a lot of exciting things going on with the football program. He is cleaning things up and perfecting some things that needed his hand in them. He finally has a desk and computer and we are getting ready to kick off our first fundraiser for the Greene County Tech Football program!
I met with the director of the Communication Disorders program at ASU this past Tuesday and realized just how tough this venture will be. God has answered prayer for providing for my tuition for graduate school. And I praise HIM for that! God has continued to show Himself faithful!
We have found a great group of faithful friends that we enjoy so much! Jeff and I are still praying about what church to call home. I have not had the opportunity to visit with Jeff as much as I would like.
Our house has been shown a few times over the past couple of weeks but no offers yet! We know God will sell this house! We are trusting in Him!
I have to say that our time in Northwest Arkansas was a blessing in every way possible! We are so thankful for the people who have touched, blessed and poured into our lives while we were here. We loved the opportunities we had to minister to the students of Shiloh Christian and First Baptist Church, Springdale. We know that God used our time in NWA as a time to grow us and prepare us for the ministry that is to come! I certainly thought that my last week in Northwest AR would be easier than I am finding it to be, due to me having more time to say 'good-bye.' It is mighty hard!
So, we will say it is not 'good-bye' but "UNTIL NEXT TIME!"
Posted by Melissa Conaway at 8:47 PM 2 comments
Monday, April 14, 2008
Biggest Loser

Posted by Melissa Conaway at 5:37 PM 1 comments
Thursday, April 3, 2008
My Personality: Sometimes I love it and sometimes I hate it!
I am what you would call a type-A personality! I love to plan things out and have a plan-A and a Plan-B,C & D! Seriously, it is that bad! I am trying to be a bit more relaxed but I find it impossible at times! I plan out what I will eat and when I will eat it, when I workout and plan my months out well in advance. Not too good at spur-of-the-moment things; they tend to really upset me! I am having one of those moments right now. And I am trying to win the battle! Writing about it makes me feel as though I am making some progress.
Simply put, I like to be in CONTROL!!! I find my days are wasted if I do not make a list of things I want or need to do in a day. So, I am most definitely in love with routine and work really well when I am in a good one. The days I am experiencing right now are very relaxing as I am not working and get to workout whenever and however long I want; however, they are driving me crazy as well. Because there is NO routine really. I know that I need the rest I am getting because the next phase of my life is going to be so busy. I am thankful to God for this sabbatical I am on. But Lord help me through this battle of my personality!
Posted by Melissa Conaway at 3:50 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
A bit of everything and a PRAYER Request!
Just wanted to catch everyone up on our lives as of late!
Jeff was on Spring Break this past week and had a chance to come back in town and visit me and a number of other people who also missed him! That was so nice just to have him back here one last time before we are truly gone from NWA. It was bitter sweet! It was a fabulous weekend and the moment he left on Sunday was so emotional for me! I was terribly upset! This time away from one another is getting harder and harder! So, I am asking everyone to pray that our house sells before I start graduate school on May 28th! I know that it is God's will for us to move to Paragould and for me to be with my husband so this house has to sell! It was shown on Sunday night and on Monday afternoon during the monsoon! The buyers on Sunday found a house they liked better and I have not heard back from the people that came on Monday.
One last thing! I got a chance to talk to the head of the Communication Disorders program yesterday and he is such an encouraging man! He makes me even more excited to start school again! Who knew I would be excited to go to school!! And when checking my email today it hit me that I am really doing this - I am really going back to school!! Which has been a dream of mine and a prayer of mine for so long! So, I opened my email and found one email entitled "To: MCD Class of 2009" -- That is ME!! Another emotional moment! I am so thankful to God for this opportunity; it is a true blessing that I am going back to school! God is so awesome ALL the time! Not just in the good times but also in the hard times! God is faithful and I am thankful that I am HIS child!
Posted by Melissa Conaway at 6:16 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Baby Sitter for HIRE!!
Alright! So, I had the chance to babysit a really cute little boy last night named Jet! It was so much fun! We played outside chasing each other, digging in the dirt (we even found Mr. Worm) and climbed a mountain of rocks!
I keep telling people that I am a really great baby sitter and they should spread the word that I am looking for work! So, for all of you out there with kiddos or with friends that have kiddos in the NWA area let them know I'm great and they need a date night! Ha!! Seriously though, I am available most of the time! I know - it's a bit sad!
So, I'll leave you with this...Hire me for all your babysitting needs!
Posted by Melissa Conaway at 9:23 AM 0 comments
Golly Jeepers...it is a BEAUTIFUL day! As I was laying on a pallet I made out in the backyard this morning I was reminded of how beautiful God is! And how beautiful the things he has made are! I am so thankful for those little reminders God puts in our lives from time to time!
I was taken back to childhood while laying outside! This weather reminds me of the pilgrim days! Yes, my friend and I used to play like we were pilgrims out in her yard when the weather was nice like this! It was so much fun! We dressed up in little outfits, grabbed some blankets and some sheets and headed to the creek. I loved the imagination I had as a kid! I wonder where that went off to?!? Those were the good ole' days, nothing to worry about except if my play outfit was realistic enough! Haha!
On another note, I am still here in Springdale waiting on the house to sell! Jeff is in Paragould and is missing me and me missing him! The past couple of nights I have been scared for whatever reason and so I have stayed up till 1am ish! I think God knows how bad we miss each other and is trying to get me to just go! So, I am going this weekend; not for good just for a visit! I know God will be faithful in selling our house but I am asking for everyone to please pray that is happens sooner rather than later! I start school on May 28th and don't want to have to worry about this house!
Okay - one more thing and I will leave it for today!! I am trying to gather a list of places I want or need to eat at before officially leaving Northwest AR for Northeast AR! A few on the list right now are Hugos, Pesto Cafe, Bordinos and Emilas! Let me know of your favorites or ones you think I ought to go to before heading out!
Posted by Melissa Conaway at 9:23 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
It's Official!!!! YAY!!!
It’s official! I am going to graduate school! How scary is that! I got the letter in the mail confirming that I have been accepted into the Master of Communication Disorders program at Arkansas State University.
I had Jeff on the phone with me Thursday night as I returned from the gym and was so nervous to open the letter for fear of rejection! I finally opened it and screamed so loud…Jeff assumed that was a good thing! Needless to say I am so excited! I have waited on this opportunity for two years and am sure that this has been in God’s plans from the beginning of the drama with all the schools I have attended.
I have an abundance of very mixed emotions underneath the load of excitement that I am carrying! Just wondering what it’s all going to be like, if I will still be in love with and passionate about this field, wondering if I will be a good student and wanting to be one of the very best they have, hoping I am still good at therapy and the list just goes on! But I pray that as God has blessed me with this opportunity he will soothe my anxiety about so much! He doesn’t give us something we can’t handle - so I know I am going to tackle this challenge and do my very best! I know this is my calling in life! And if I can be half the speech language pathologist that Nancy Hardman and Carol Morgan are then I will call myself a success! Those two OBU professors have been an inspiration to me and invested so much in me and I am thankful to God for them! And for this new adventure that I am on! Graduation should be December of 2009!
Posted by Melissa Conaway at 11:34 AM 1 comments
Friday, February 15, 2008
Posted by Melissa Conaway at 8:35 AM 2 comments