Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Golly is a BEAUTIFUL day! As I was laying on a pallet I made out in the backyard this morning I was reminded of how beautiful God is! And how beautiful the things he has made are! I am so thankful for those little reminders God puts in our lives from time to time!

I was taken back to childhood while laying outside! This weather reminds me of the pilgrim days! Yes, my friend and I used to play like we were pilgrims out in her yard when the weather was nice like this! It was so much fun! We dressed up in little outfits, grabbed some blankets and some sheets and headed to the creek. I loved the imagination I had as a kid! I wonder where that went off to?!? Those were the good ole' days, nothing to worry about except if my play outfit was realistic enough! Haha!

On another note, I am still here in Springdale waiting on the house to sell! Jeff is in Paragould and is missing me and me missing him! The past couple of nights I have been scared for whatever reason and so I have stayed up till 1am ish! I think God knows how bad we miss each other and is trying to get me to just go! So, I am going this weekend; not for good just for a visit! I know God will be faithful in selling our house but I am asking for everyone to please pray that is happens sooner rather than later! I start school on May 28th and don't want to have to worry about this house!

Okay - one more thing and I will leave it for today!! I am trying to gather a list of places I want or need to eat at before officially leaving Northwest AR for Northeast AR! A few on the list right now are Hugos, Pesto Cafe, Bordinos and Emilas! Let me know of your favorites or ones you think I ought to go to before heading out!


Superchikk said...

I love the new picture at the top!

You should've called last night - my brother was over putting together a computer with Chris. We could've watched BB9 together.

I think your list of places to eat is pretty good. Gotta make sure you hit Hugo's!