Sunday, September 13, 2009

The time has come

Well, it's here...this is what I have been waiting for...the biggest test of my life and there are so many emotions running through me tonight that I could not help but to blog about them! I have one test down and one really long and big test to go (Monday & Tuesday).

I am feeling a lot of tightness in my chest with an overwhelming urge that tears are quickly on their way...tears of fear, anxiety and relief that it is almost over! Then I feel confident that I have studied and studied and have been responsible about time and effort put in; then I think will I remember it all and then the overwhelming urge to vomit comes over me! I am so ready for Tuesday to be over with! However, I am more nervous for next week when the results sit in my mailbox at school with my name on them...all I will have to do is open that envelope and I am praying it will say "congratulations, you have passed"!!! However, I will praise God regardless! He knows what is best for me and has it all planned out! Praise the Lord! I trust fully in Him; then my flesh and worldly ways make me worry about the unknown! For those of you who know me... you know I like to be in control of EVERYTHING! So, not having control kills me! However, I am trusting in God!

I am slowly feeling my blood pressure go down but my heart is still pounding out of my chest!

Lord be with me and my classmates tomorrow; please give us the ability to retain all that we have learned and studied and may we honor you and give you ALL the Honor & Glory!


And by the way the Eagles are 2-0!! Go GCT Eagles! Proud of you guys!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Normal Life

What's that? A normal life is what I cannot wait to have after all these tests are over!

I am praying for perseverance through this next week! I truly cannot make it through these tests without Christ's hand guiding me and helping me to retain all the information I have been putting in my brain! It is no doubt a stressful time but I feel God's presence and His calming spirit with me.

On a GREAT note, GCT won their first game last Friday against our biggest rivalry (Paragould High). I was a nervous wreck but we pulled it off and it has made for a great weekend and a happy husband! Praise the Lord!

I am currently taking a study break and daydreaming what life will be like after these two tests are over with! Things I can't wait to get back in the gym and hit it hardcore, work on my resume and begin job interviews, watch lots and lots of football with my husband on the weekends without a test or paper looming over my head, Sleep good again (this includes Sunday afternoon naps), be a better blogger and go on a vacation at some point! These are just a few things I am looking forward to and thought I would share them!

Well long enough study break! I will post football photos from the first two games soon. I say from the first two games because I will most likely not be back on here until after my tests are finished! If you by chance think of me randomly next Saturday the 12th or the following Monday or Tuesday the 14th & 15th, would you please say a small prayer for me! Thanks in advance!